
Update: Mailing List Sample Content (what not to tell a skeleton) Here's an

Here's an example of what I'll be sending you if you sign up for the newsletter! (I'll be polishing these, but for now I'm tired. 2:00 AM T_T)

Inciting Incident: Stella enters a...

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Sample Chapter of Audiobook: Butterflies with Vertigo

Hey! Here's a chapter of the audiobook for Butterflies with Vertigo!

Chapter 1

Swallowed By Glass

Soon a butterfly would glide with all of New York City on her wings.

The first...

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Upcoming Novel In Progress! I am writing a novel titled What Not To Tell A

I am writing a novel titled What Not To Tell A Skeleton! The genre of the novel was supposed to be horror/comedy/romance but, as I wrote it, it became more of a macabre gothic...

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